A data ecosystem for plant breeding

For the period from 2022 to 2024, the BreedFides project is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via the project management organisation VDI/VDE. It will be jointly carried out by the following partners: Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w. V. (vit), and the German Federation for Plant innovation (GFPi – Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Pflanzeninnovation e. V.). 

The aim is to develop a concept for a data ecosystem in plant breeding. The concept is to provide an expandable and practical system for data sharing.

The project seeks broad participation of as many plant breeding companies, public authorities and similar initiatives from adjacent sectors as possible to account for the different needs of and maximise the benefits for all partners.

An ecosystem is characterised by the interaction of its components in a functioning community. Some well-known technology providers have put this principle into practice: All of the manufacturer’s devices offer the user direct added value because they are compatible with each other. They feature uniform modes of operation, functionalities and software. This is the basic principle sought by a data ecosystem. By establishing standards, the data that flow into the system are made compatible and interoperable with each other, allowing for more effective use of the data.

Eligible partners can enter into individually agreed, data co-operations for plant breeding purposes in relation to all or part of this data.

A third-party operator acting as a data trustee is needed to ensure the necessary neutrality of the system. The project assignment also includes the development of an model for a form of system operation that combines maximum neutrality and economic viability.


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BreedFides is a pilot project financed by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for designing data intermediary schemes. For further information on the the BMBF programme “Promotion of projects with a view to developing and real-life testing of data intermediary schemes suitable for research and/or industry purposes”, please refer to (German only) www.bildung-forschung.digital

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