Effective use of existing data
Due to the technological advancement of genome analysis, precision phenotyping and digitalisation in the plant breeding value chain, the volume of data that might be of use in plant breeding is increasing rapidly. Data is generated and stored by a variety of actors for many different purposes, e. g. by plant breeding companies, by public authorities, scientific research institutions or farmers.
The types of generated data include highly resolved temporal and/or spatial data, results of the quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of traits or molecular characteristics, developed software or records of field trials. The latter may comprise information on agronomic and breeding-relevant traits assessed in the field trial appraisals, but also related data on the application of fertilisers, plant protection products, field and soil conditions, geological charateristics or meteorological data. The data differ not only with respect to their object of investigation, but also with respect to their type, format and context of origin.
A concept that systematically improves the availability of such data can help enhance the efficiency of plant breeding. The BreedFides project aims to address the technical, legal and competitive challenges that are still needing a holistic solution.
BreedFides is a pilot project financed by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for designing data intermediary schemes. For further information on the the BMBF programme “Promotion of projects with a view to developing and real-life testing of data intermediary schemes suitable for research and/or industry purposes”, please refer to (German only) www.bildung-forschung.digital